First field solar PV plant in the Faroes inaugurated

First field solar PV plant in the Faroes inaugurated
The island of Suðuroy is host to the test site

The first field solar PV plant in the Faroe Islands has been inaugurated. It is located on an abandoned football field in the village of Sumba, the southern most village on the southern most island of Suðuroy.

The 250 kWp plant, which is expected to generate approximately 160 MWh pr. year, is a test site, albeit not a big one. It may nevertheless prove to be an important step in our efforts in introducing new renewable energy sources into the Faroese energy mix.

The plant will produce energy when wind and rain is at the lowest, namely in the summer months.

Next summer, the island of Suðuroy will be a perfect energy laboratory as it will host wind, hydro, solar PV, batteries, synchronous compensator etc.. An ENERCON wind farm of 7xE44/900kW, in total 6.3MW, a battery system of 6.3MW, a synchronous compensator and a hydro power system of 3MW will serve the load in Suðuroy, and when needed, a fossil fueled power plant will ensure the security of supply when lacking renewable resources. A real isolated hybrid power system where we will test (small scale but full scale) the stability (frequency, voltage, inertia, short circuit etc) of a power system with mainly inverter based generation.

This will be a stepping stone in our 100by2030 vision in the Faroe Islands.

Green Days