50% of the electricity generated during the initial half of 2023 came from green energy sources

50% of the electricity generated during the initial half of 2023 came from green energy sources

Electricity consumption in the first half of 2023 increased by 7% and amounted to 224 GWh. Green energy generation increased by 20% compared to the same period in 2022 and was 112 GWh.

A solid 50% of the total energy production was green. Wind energy accounted for 26 %, a doubling compared to the previous year. Hydropower accounts for 23% while biogas and solar energy together account for a modest 1 %.

To give you a tangible idea: every other time you charged your phone or boiled water in the kettle, it was powered with green electricity.

The biggest difference was in wind energy. It went from 28.6 GWh last year to an impressive 57.6 GWh. This growth can be credited to the integration of two new wind farms into the main grid, along with the implementation of the battery system and synchronous compensator in Suðuroy. These changes orchestrated a remarkable leap in our wind energy production.

Green Days