49% sustainable electricity production first quarter 2021

49% sustainable electricity production first quarter 2021

Sustainable electricity production in the first three months of 2021 reached 49 per cent of total production

Extremely cold and calm weather in January and February resulted in below average hydro power production as well as wind power production.

However, the wet and windy weather conditions in the latter part of February and March were more favourable to sustainable electricity production.

In February, sustainable electricity production in the main area of the Faroe Islands exceeded 80% for a total of 9 days.

Sustainable production in January was 38%, whereas production in February and March reached 53% and 56%, respectively.

In total, electricity production in the first quarter of 2021 was made up of 51% thermal, 32% hydro, 15% wind, 2% biogas and 0.02 solar power, respectively.

Green Days